Shut up.
I don’t believe a lady has to explain anything to a man this ugly.
Slick watches from a card table nearby, with Rae standing beside him. Now his hand drops casually from the curve of
her rear to the vicinity of his boot.
Paden and Stella come up on opposite sides of the bar, him in front. Paden sees everything in the room: Tyree’s friends,
Deputies Kyle and GARTH, are behind Jake and clearly poised to kill him if Tyree fails.
What’s the trouble here?
(with venom)
Stay out of it, Paden.
He can’t do that, Tyree. Cobb’s hired him.
That’s Cobb’s mistake.
Come out of there, Phoebe. You’ve done enough.
As Phoebe starts to move from between the men, Tyree grabs her viciously by the arm. In the instant of that movement, Paden’s hand flashes out and draws Tyree’s Colt out of its holster from behind. Garth and Kyle tense as Tyree whirls on Paden, eyes flaming. But his own gun is pointed at his chest.
Go on home, Jake.
All I did was kiss the girl.
That’s what you said in Turley. You remember how that ended?
What’s the matter, Paden? You afraid I couldn’t get those two behind me?
I don’t want you getting anybody in my place.
Jake looks at Paden, who motions him out with the gun. Jake starts to move grudgingly, but first flashes Phoebe a big
“see you later” look. He goes out.